Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jesus Showed Us that He is the Son of God 3/14/10

Today in 123 Go we learned that Jesus is the Son of God. In this series we are following Kit Windswept and her assistant Andi on a Treasure Quest today, Kit started off the day a bit frantic. They hadn’t found the stone yet and Kit was beginning to get worried, but Andi remained calm. Andi spent time reading the Bible and praying before eating. Kit couldn’t understand why Andi was taking time to do these things when there was obviously a bigger problem; finding the stone. Eventually, Kit tried to get the monkeys to help find the stone by bowing down and worshipping them. Andi refused to bow down to a bunch of monkeys and explained that only God and His Son Jesus deserve that. Andi also explained that reading the Bible and praying were all part of recognizing that Jesus was God’s Son. Soon after, they found the stone and Andi proceeded to tell the Bible story.

In John, chapter 9, Jesus and His disciples saw a man who was blind. Jesus spit in some dirt and made mud. He then smeared the mud over the blind man’s eyes and told Him to go wash. After the man washed, he could see! Jesus had performed a miracle and healed the blind the man. Next, in Mark chapter 4, Jesus and His disciples were traveling in a boat across the Sea of Galilee. A storm came up and threatened to destroy the boat. The disciples panicked, but Jesus slept at the back of the boat. The disciples woke Him up, scared that He was just going to let them die. Jesus stood up and told the wind and the waves to be still. And they did. The disciples were amazed that Jesus had the power to control the weather. Finally, in John chapter 11, we heard the story of one of Jesus’ greatest miracles. A man named Lazarus, who was a friend of Jesus, had died. They had buried him in a tomb and he had been dead for four days before Jesus arrived in the town. Many were sad and told Jesus that if He had come sooner, Lazarus would not have died at all. That’s when Jesus had the people open the tomb and he said “Lazarus, come out!” And Lazarus walked out of the tomb. Jesus had raised him from the dead! All of these miracles proved that Jesus is God’s son. Because Jesus is God’s Son, we should listen to Him, obey Him, worship Him, and tell others about Him. Remind your children about this

during the week.

You can read the Bible Stories together here:

1. Jesus healing the blind man (John 9:1-11)

2. Jesus calming the storm (Mark 4:35-41)

3. Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44)

Our memory verse for this week is:

"People of Israel, listen! God publicly endorsed Jesus of Nazareth by doing wonderful miracles, wonders, and signs through him, as you well know." Acts 2:22 (NLT)

This weeks secret word is: cross. Tell me (Ashley) this word next Sunday and you will receive 5 Action Bucks!!!

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